Retiring Early Could Kill You, New Study Finds

If you're thinking of taking an early retirement, you may want to read this first: A new study has found a link between dropping out of the workforce early and an increased risk of death, especially among men.

Researchers Maria Fitzpatrick of Cornell University and Timothy Moore of the University of Melbourne found an "immediate, negative" short-term impact on mortality among U.S. residents the month they turn 62, the age when individuals in the U.S. can apply for early Social Security.


9 of the biggest problems baby boomers are facing right now

Baby Boomers are facing a slew of challenges.

Boomers, or those born from the 1940s to the 1960s, grew up during the prosperous post-WWII years. But as they inch closer to retirement, a slew of financial, health, and economic challenges are starting to plague many in the generation.

Business Insider outlined some of the bigger problems baby boomers are dealing with today.


7 Ways To Eliminate Stereotypes About Aging

When Next Avenue named its 2017 Influencers in Aging, a group I’m proud to be in, the site asked us: If you could change one thing about Aging in America, what would it be?

My answer was: Eliminate stereotypes. We are all pioneers, crossing shifting/surprising terrain. Longevity is an individual and collective gift. High quality of life relies on what we actively do with what we’ve got or can create. The catalyst isn’t age. It’s active intention.


Millions of over-50s rely on inheritance or downsizing to fund retirement as they enjoy middle age rather than save into pensions

A large proportion of older workers expect to prop up their retirement funds with an inheritance or by downsizing their property as many find it hard to save after 'essential' expenses are covered.

A new report suggests that although workers usually see their income peak in their early fifties, many fail to put that extra income into a pension, mostly because they don't earn enough or they still have to help out their children. 


The new retirement age is 70

U.S. personal finance guru Suze Orman says that if you stop working in your 60s, you might need to support yourself for another 30 years. How can you afford to live well into your 90s? One way is by working until age 70.

To some extent, this is a U.S. perspective driven by higher health care costs than we face in Canada. But Ms. Orman is definitely onto something in terms of how longer lifespans are affecting personal finance. If we live longer, working past 65 can make sense from both an emotional and financial point of view. "Every dollar you don't spend in your 60s is a dollar that can keep growing for your 70s and beyond," she says.


The Invisible Senior: Confronting Ageism in the U.S.

We’ve been hearing about various types of discrimination in the new headlines a lot lately. From issues of pay equity to debates around race, disability, and sexuality, Americans typically have vocal opinions about hot button topics. However, there is one demographic that frequently confronts discrimination, but it rarely makes the front page of the paper: seniors.

Yes, as with many of the “-isms,” ageism, or age discrimination, is alive and well in our country, and it’s an issue that needs to receive much more attention in order to affect meaningful societal change.


Factors That Can Lower Your Homes Value

Considering that your home is probably one of (if not the) biggest investment you own, it only makes sense to do what you can to preserve its value. But if you are like most homeowners, you may not be aware of everything that can lower the value of your property. Some are obvious; some are less so.

If you’re smart, you’ll look out for some of the items I’m going to mention to protect your investment(s) both now and in the future.
