How To Take The Best Parts Of Your Work Life With You Into Retirement

When it comes to making the transition from work-life to home life, there are a number of things that can restrain new retirees from making a successful transition. While some people may not like to admit it, nearly every aspect of their life is chained to their work place in one way or another.  Therefore, those who assume life in retirement will be similar to their work days, minus the alarm clock and nagging boss, may be in for a harsh wake-up call.


To Stay in their Communities, Seniors First Need A Place To Live

Sometimes, you just have to say what is crashingly obvious. And when it comes to older adults aging at home, here it is: If seniors are going to avoid a nursing home, they need a safe, affordable alternative. Without one, they may die prematurely. And even if they live, they will almost surely need institutional care, which may be a bad alternative for them and, if they are poor, will cost the government a small fortune.  In short, you can’t age in place without a “place.”


Downsizing 101: What To Toss, What To Keep, And How To Deal With It All

Maybe you’re moving into a smaller home. Perhaps you’re just trying to lighten the load for a transfer to a new city. Or, maybe you just want to get rid of all the unnecessary clutter in your life so you can make better use of the space you have.

Whatever the case may be, getting rid of the useless stuff in your life is easier said than done. Here are some tips to help you pare your lifestyle down to the things that really matter.


What 3 Weeks Organizing My Photos Taught Me About Downsizing

Are you downsizing? Did you struggle with some of your favorite possessions? Have you thought about downsizing your photos?

Our Downsizing Challenge

Organizing Photos Downsizing60+ years of photos were stored in 5 large plastic storage containers that needed two people to lift them. Some were in photo frames; some in photo albums and some were loosely thrown into the containers.

The challenge was to reduce 5 heavy containers down to 2 easily manageable ones.


Baby Boomers Are Isolating Themselves as They Age

A large body of research shows that emotional experience improves with age. People are slower to show anger and more prone to see silver linings. They solve emotionally charged conflicts more effectively and are more likely to forgive and forget.

So the prospect of millions of baby boomers entering a stage in life that brings wisdom and emotional balance has many researchers excited about the possibility that they will, as they enter their final years, build a better world. After all, not only are boomers distinguished by their numbers, which will intensify their impact on society, but they are also different from earlier cohorts of aging Americans: going gently into that good night doesn’t appeal to a generation that, in its youth, wanted to start a social revolution.


5 Surprising Ways Downsizing May Actually Cost You Big Bucks

Sure, downsizing should save you money. Whatever may have spurred the urge to purge—whether it’s kids flying from the coop, a desire for a smaller place to maintain, maybe even an unhealthy addiction to “Tiny House Hunters” on HGTV—moving into a smaller place can grow your nest egg right at a time when extra cash will come in handy. The payoff can be big.

According to a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, moving from a $250,000 house to one that costs $150,000 could on average increase yearly income by $3,000 and reduce annual expenses by $3,250, saving the homeowner $6,250 a year. And maybe lots more.


A guide to downsizing

Are you thinking about packing up your family home and finding somewhere smaller to live? Here, the NAEA offers advice to make the process a little easier

Planning is key – Packing your home into boxes can be a real chore, particularly when you are moving to a smaller property, but planning well in advance can make it easier. Think about where you will unpack your belongings and in which room each box should be placed. If you haven’t got it all sorted ahead of the move then just make sure you label all your boxes clearly.


Thriving at Age 70 and Beyond

A recently published book, “70Candles! Women Thriving in Their 8th Decade,” inspired me to take a closer look at how I’m doing as I approach 75 and how I might make the most of the years to come. It would be a good idea for women in my age cohort to do likewise. With a quarter of American women age 65 expected to live into their 90s, there could be quite a few years to think about.
